Returns: You may return a product for a refund if you are not happy with it within 7 days of product arrival. Please note that this date is determined by the estimated date of delivery. You must pay shipping for all returns/refunds, unless the product has been damaged upon arrival with your provided proof of damage. All returns/refunds are at the discretion of Blessed Be Witchery.
Exchanges: I do not currently offer exchanges.
Shipping: Orders are usually shipped within two weeks. This is may be subject to change as demand grows. I charge a fee of $8 for standard shipping and packaging in the United States, plus $1 per additional item and $5 for small packages, plus $1 per additional item. I plan to expand shipping in other regions soon!
Candles: Blessed Be Witchery is not liable for any damage, fires, or harm caused by a candle. This includes but is not limited to any herbs or toppings in the candle. Please moniter your candle at all times while lit. Trim the wick of your candle at least 1/4 of an inch from the top of the wax before each burn. Candles are made with soy wax and essentil oils. Keep children and pets away from candles.
Please Note: Nearly every candle is a one of a kind unless otherwise specified. This means that I do not have a uniformed quantity system that many candle sellers have. Instead, my candles are poured into thrifted, upcycled containers in order to promote environmental sustainability and to give each candle it's own unique look and energy. Every candle I craft is intended to be a small piece of art packed with a whole lot of magic!
Oils: Do not consume Blessed Be Witchery oils. Oils are for external use only. These can be used in baths, to annoint objects and spaces, used in spell jars, and worn on your wrist. Ingredients are on the back of each oil in case of any skin allergens or sensitivities. Blessed Be Witchery is not responsible or liable for any allgeries, reactions, or skin irritations with the use of an oil. My oils are made without dye additives and are infused with skin safe essential oils, herbs, and crystals. Each oils measures one ounce and is crafted using an olive oil carrier oil. These oils are not intended to treat any physical ailments or illnesses.
Spells: A spell is something crafted and casted with a specific intention using ethical energy manipulation and other tools of a practionioner's choice. I create spells in the form of candles, enchanted jewelry, oils, jars, and ouches. Spell jars and pouches are not intended to be opened. If a spell is opened or breaks, throw away the contents, keep children and pets away, and cleanse your space using sound, smoke, spray, or any other form of cleansing. Sometimes spells break, it usually doesn't mean anything bad or that the spell didn't work. Often, if a spell breaks it has either done all that it can do for you, or it has broken for a mundane, non-spiritual reason. Regardless of the reason, a cleanse will help clear the space of any unintended energies.